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Lunatech blog retrospective - 2013

Lunatech blog retrospective - 2012

Lunatech blog retrospective - 2011

Blog retrospective 2010

Lunatech blog retrospective - 2009

Lunatech blog retrospective - 2008

Lunatech blog retrospective - 2007

Lunatech blog retrospective - 2006

Lunatech blog retrospective - 2005

Business process visibility with ALEK

Speaking the language

Third-party Logistics (3PL) domain expertise

Benefits of remote working

Code review observations are not failures

Inserting database table rows with Slick 1.0.1

Mapping Slick query results to case classes 1.0.1

Executing database queries with Slick 1.0.1

Defining database queries with Slick 1.0.1

Using Play framework database evolutions with Slick 1.0.1

Defining database table columns with Slick 1.0.1

Using the Scala console with Play and Slick 1.0.1

Getting started with Play and Slick 1.0.1

Lunatech feeds Happy Melly

Fast Track to Play training certification

Good bug reports come in four parts

Typesafe at 010DEV

Typesafe training partnership

Øredev - recommended presentations

Planning Scrum project documentation

Øredev 2012 Play Framework 2 presentation video

Lunatech presents Play at Øredev 2012

Lunatech presents Play at Topconf 2012

Lunatech presents Play at JAX London 2012

GeeCON 2012 Play Framework 2.0 presentation video

Scrum project documentation - development

Essential Scrum hardware - lots of whiteboards

Scrum when the product owner is not available

Scrum software project documentation environment set-up

Scrum and non-functional requirements

The double-sided Scrum board

Transparent development and the project management

Typesafe consultancy partnership

Lunatech presents at 010DEV

Lunatech presents Play at GOTO Amsterdam 2012

Lunatech presents Play at GeeCON 2012

Play framework 2 books

First 010DEV event

Review - Drools Developer’s Cookbook

Jfokus 2012 Play Framework 2.0 presentation video

Java Spotlight podcast - Play 2.0 & Akka 2.0

Play rescues kittens at Jfokus

Lunatech presents at Scala Stockholm

Lunatech presents Play at Jfokus 2012

February Play!ground presentations and photos

February 2012 Play!ground at Paddy Murphy’s

Late Christmas at Lunatech

URL-centric web application design

January 2012 Play!ground

What’s wrong with the Java Servlet API

Play 2.0 demo - live coding script

Why Play isn’t a Java web framework

Devoxx 2011 tips

Play framework meet-up at Devoxx

December Play!ground in Rotterdam

Progress bars with jQuery UI, WebSocket & Play

Selector dialogue with jQuery UI, Ajax and Play

Play!ground presentation slides & code

Logging rule activation with Drools

September Play!ground in Rotterdam

Review - Play Framework Cookbook

Fronteers at Lunatech. WTF?

JavaZone Play framework presentation video

Lunatech presents Play Framework at JavaZone 2011

Logging debug messages with Drools

Own goals - Scala vs Ceylon vs Kotlin

August Play!ground presentation slides & video

Lazy loading page content with jQuery UI, Ajax and Play 1.2

Getting a list of time zones in Java and Seam

Seam meetup at Devoxx

Meeting-avoidance for self-managing developers - Devoxx 2008

Meeting-avoidance for developers - Devoxx08 presentation

Seam presentation video on parleys.com

How to explain Twitter

The programmer’s private office

How to draw lolcats

Seam is the new Struts

Benelux JBoss User Group, 29 February - photos

Marketing books for developers

Benelux JBoss User Group, 29 February 2008

Benelux JBoss User Group, 29 February 2008

Seam in action - JavaPolis presentation

The European Union - a metaphor for JBoss Seam

Lunatech at JavaPolis 2007

No fields are required

Benelux JBoss User Group, 2 November 2007 - photos

Benelux JBoss User Group, 2 November 2007

Eximion game artwork archive

Amsterdam Java Meetup, 21 September 2007

Web application 2.0 features

Book review - Wikinomics

JSF-Facelets custom date converter

Boss Benelux User Group, 8 June 2007

UML class diagrams in Confluence using Graphviz and DOT

How to write user-interface instructions

Eclipse plug-in installation

Business Class or Economy?

JavaPolis 2006

Wiki is my word-processor

Struts page-level authorisation

How to use bullet lists

Development - Ernst & Young Indirect Tax

Task management - the difference between urgent and important

Books for software developers

Dynamic calendars - iCalendar feeds using iCal4J

Book review - Designing Interfaces, Jenifer Tidwell

Book review - To Engineer Is Human, Henry Petrovski

Book review - Slack, Tom Demarco

Struts Action Mappings - configuring web application URLs

Web application post-submit messages

JavaPolis 2005

Navigation design patterns - details page

Web application navigation design patterns

The geoweb - open standards for publishing geodata

Displaying access key assignments

Information radiators: from dashboard to wall

Chocolate cocktails: brain food for after work

Catalogue search/browse

Progressive - the dark side of new software

The same but different- web application comparison support

Struts URLs for perfectionists

Paranoid configuration - tamper-proof text

Unforgiven - user-interface labels