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Fast Track to Play training certification

22 Jul 2013

min read

Lunatech can provide Play framework training, with a certified trainer for Typesafe’s [Fast Track to Play With Scala]( training course.

I have completed Typesafe’s certification process and can now deliver their Play training course. I even have a nice certificate to hang on the wall:

Trainer certificate

Lunatech can provide this training course both as a public training course, in partnership with a training organiser that arranges the training location and sells tickets, and as a private on-site course for a customer who wants to train five or more developers at their own location.

Last week I delivered on-site Play training at Rhinofly’s office in Utrecht, to enable a whole team of web developers and front-enders to get up to speed with Play so they can use Play and Scala to build web applications.

My next public training course will be at Mejsla’s office in Stockholm on 24 September 2013 - details and registration.

Although Play is relatively easy to get started with, it is a full-stack framework that brings together many technologies and web development topics, from HTTP APIs, JSON processing, Ajax, asset pipelines and database access. The value of this training course is that it gives you a solid grounding in the basics, to allow you to start a project productively, and introduces you to a broader range of topics so that you understand the options for building a web application.

And if that wasn’t enough to persuade you to sign up for a training course, each attendee also gets a free copy of the book - Play for Scala.
