Literal data structures in Scala

Here is an example of a striking difference in verbosity between Java and Scala. Some languages make it easy to concisely declare data structures in your code. Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP all do. Java doesn’t.
Let’s say you would like to maintain a simple lookup table in your code, to map from country code to country name. And to make it more interesting, let’s say you want to have the country names in a couple of different languages.
In Scala, this could look like the following:
val countryNames = Map(
"NL" -> Map("nl" -> "Nederland", "en" -> "The Netherlands", "fr" -> "Les Pays-Bas"),
"UK" -> Map("nl" -> "Het Verenigd Koninkrijk", "en" -> "The United Kingdom", "fr" -> "Le Royaume-Uni"),
"FR" -> Map("nl" -> "Frankrijk", "en" -> "France", "fr" -> "France"),
"UNKNOWN" -> Map("nl" -> "[onbekend land]", "en" -> "[unknown country]", "fr" -> "[pays inconnu]")
val here = countryNames("NL")("en")
val there = countryNames.get("DE").getOrElse(countryNames("UNKNOWN"))("en")
println("We're here in "+here+".")
println("We don't know about "+ there)
If you put this in a file example.scala
and run it using
scala example.scala
then it will print:
We're here in The Netherlands. We don't know about [unknown country]
Compare this with the java version:
// imports, class, and main method omitted
Map<String, Map<String, String>> countryNames = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
Map<String, String> nl = new HashMap<String, String>();
nl.put("nl", "Nederland");
nl.put("en", "The Netherlands");
nl.put("fr", "Les Pays-Bas");
countryNames.put("NL", nl);
// …10 more lines…
Map<String, String> unk = new HashMap<String, String>();
unk.put("nl", "[onbekend land]");
unk.put("en", "[unknown country]");
unk.put("fr", "[pays inconnu]");
countryNames.put("UNKNOWN", unk);
String here = countryNames.get("NL").get("en");
Map<String, String> tmp = countryNames.get("DE");
String there = tmp == null ? countryNames.get("UNKNOWN").get("en") : tmp.get("en");
out.println("We're here in "+here+".");
out.println("We don't know about "+ there);
One difference between the two languages is that the types seem to be
largely missing in the Scala version, it looks like a weakly typed
language. But the types are there, they are just inferred by the
We could have written
val countryNames: Map[String, Map[String,String]] = …
Now let’s say that we’re setting the list of languages in stone and instead of the inner maps we want to use objects with methods for each language:
case class Names(nl: String, en: String, fr: String)
val countryNames2: Map[String,Names] = Map(
"NL" -> Names("Nederland", "The Netherlands", "Les Pays-Bas"),
"UK" -> Names("Het Verenigd Koninkrijk", "The United Kingdom", "Le Royaume-Uni"),
"FR" -> Names("Frankrijk", "France", "France"),
"UNKNOWN" -> Names("[onbekend land]", "[unknown country]", "[pays inconnu]")
val holiday = "We gaan op vakantie naar "+countryNames2("FR").nl
// prints: We gaan op vakantie naar Frankrijk
Defining the Names
class took just one line. What that line does is
define a class with:
a 3-argument constructor
a singleton method which calls the constructor
3 public accessor methods
a toString() method
implementations of equals() and hashCode()
a few other tricks
Scala makes for code that’s a pleasure to read and write, because you can skip the boilerplate.