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I wish I could write like Joel…

03 Apr 2006

min read

Why is it that some people have no problems taking their thoughts and putting them into writing? I wish I was one of these persons, I wish I could write like Joel.

I can be very clever when it comes to running a company, analyzing a situation, completing a deal, or finding a suitable solution to the challenge at hand. But when it comes to taking pen to paper, I fall apart. I script ideas in my head, talk it through with other people, but when it comes to sitting behind the keyboard and getting on with the task at hand I freeze. Why? I suppose it has something to do with my other character traits. For example, if you want a great public speaker to enthrall the audience, don't call on me. On the other hand, if you are looking for a panelist for a debate, I'm your man. I like interaction not monologues. I like intimate conversation in smaller audiences. If you are looking for a short to the point business plan or summary, I'm up for the task. A long drawn out 100 page plan is not my bag. But I digress...

A while back I thought it a good idea to start writing up our experiences with running a software company and share these with others. My head was full of great stories, advice, and such to share with those interested. I asked our team to provide me with the tools to be able to publish articles on our web site. They rose to the challenge, I did not.

The irritating part for me is that we have no shortage of material to write about. I am proud to be part of a great company, we have mutiple successes and a few failures, we have attracted a great team and know how to keep them (and our customers) motivated. Luckily for us, the team is not afraid to write articles about what we do best: technology related issues. To add to the mix, I do have some ideas for subjects which I would like to write about:

  • How to hire the wrong people
  • Resource juggling 101
  • Paying lip service versus action
  • Meetings for the sake of meeting

The challenge for me now is to find the discipline and self confidence to deliver on my promise. I suppose this admission is my first step on the road towards self help. My name is Michael, I have a problem with writing. I must confront this problem one sentence at a time...
